During this appointment, between the 4th and 5th month of your child's life, your doctor will conduct a thorough examination of your baby, provide you with important information about vaccinations and other recommended treatments, and offer expert guidance on caring for your newborn.
The first few weeks after giving birth can be both exciting and overwhelming. As a new parent, it is natural to have many questions and concerns about your baby's health and development. That is why it is important to make an U3-appointment with your paediatrician in good time, soon after giving birth.
During this appointment, your doctor will conduct a physical examination of your baby to ensure that they are growing and developing as expected. This examination will include measuring and weighing your baby, checking for any signs of jaundice, and conducting various developmental tests. Your doctor will also administer the final dose of vitamin K during this appointment.
In addition to the physical examination, your doctor will also provide you with detailed information about recommended vaccinations for your baby, and will ask you about your baby's sleeping, drinking, digestion, and behaviour, and provide advice on feeding, nutrition, preventing sudden infant death and accidents.
Your baby will be given a hip ultrasound, or you will receive a doctor referral and addresses where you can get the ultrasound. This examination is highly recommended, as it can spare your child from serious lifelong symptoms.
Vitamin D will be recommended to prevent rickets, a bone disease, as will fluoride to promote the hardening of the teeth later in life.
If the newborn hearing screening or the tests for congenital metabolic disorders and/or cystic fibrosis have not yet been conducted, they should be done immediately; for some diseases it is especially important that a diagnosis is available as soon as possible.
You will get an appointment for the next vaccination and the U4.