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The U4 appointment is a crucial opportunity to assess your baby's progress and ensure they are growing and developing as expected. It is an excellent opportunity to address any concerns you may have and receive expert guidance on caring for your baby. It is a vital checkup for your baby's growth and development. By paying attention to their progress and taking care of their needs, you can help them reach their full potential.

During the appointment, your pediatrician will measure your baby's height, weight, and head. They will also conduct a physical exam to assess your baby's motor skills, such as sitting and crawling, and their social and emotional development, such as making eye contact and responding to stimuli. The progress in motor development such as lifting and holding the head for a few seconds when lying prone is present. Following an object behind the midline. The U4 appointment is also a good time to discuss vaccinations with your pediatrician.

As a new parent, it's natural to have questions and concerns about your baby's health and development, bring along all your questions and use the Chance to ask the Doctor everything you want to know.

  • Vitamin D will be recommended to prevent rickets, a bone disease, as will fluoride to promote the hardening of the teeth later in life. As soon as your baby gets their first teeth, you need to start brushing their teeth with toothpaste that contains fluoride. From then on you only give oral vitamin D without fluoride because your baby gets it through the toothpaste. Ask for a new prescription, just for vitamin D, as soon as the first tooth has arrived.

  • You will also receive more advice on feeding and nutrition, reducing the risk of sudden infant death, preventing accidents.

  • If your baby has not had its newborn hearing test, that should be done as soon as possible.

You will get an appointment for the next vaccination and the U5.



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