In moments of crisis, being prepared can make all the difference. In the following sections, we'll delve into different scenarios, categorizing them based on urgency and severity.
An emergency is any lifethreatening illness or injury for which you need immediate medical care. Emergencies include high fever, broken bones, head injuries, strong bleeding, shortness of breath, poisoning and loss of consciousness. If parents consider a situation to be life threatening and therefore an emergency, they should always call 112 for an immediate evaluation by a doctor. A parent should not hesitate in these situations and should trust their instinct.
An ambulance will be send.
If the situation is acute but not life threatening, take the sick or injured child to the emergency department of the nearest hospital with a pediatric department. If you think that the child my suffer further injuries if you transport it yourself, call emergency services on 112 instead.
Are you looking for a Hospital? Use this website:
If you don't need a hospital but want to talk to an experienced medical professional,
contact your pediatrician
or the medical on-call service number 116117 to reach the medical on-call service.
if the situation is life-threatening call 112, start life-saving-support
After swallowing a foaming product: if available give them a defoamer solution like Dimeticon or Simeticon (Sab Simplex, Lefax e.g.). As an alternative fat can help too, like bread with lots of butter.
After ingesting corrosive substances: allow 100ml of water to drink within 5 minutes, small children correspondingly less. (Only when the patient is awake!)
DO NOT induce vomiting! NO salt water! No milk! Don't put flour or oil on a burn!
Call your regional poison control centre:
Berlin (Berlin und Brandenburg)
- Tel.: 030 19240
- https://giftnotruf.charite.de/
Bonn (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
- Tel.: 0228 19240
- https://gizbonn.de/
Erfurt (Meck.Pomm, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt,Thüringen)
- Tel.: 0361 730730
- https://www.ggiz-erfurt.de/home.html
Freiburg (Baden-Württemberg)
- Tel.: 0761 19240
- https://www.uniklinik-freiburg.de/giftberatung.html
Göttingen (Bremen, Hamburg, Niedersachsen,Schleswig-Holstein)
- Tel.: 0551 19240
- https://www.giz-nord.de/php/
Homburg (Saarland)
- Tel.: 06841 19240
Mainz (Rheinland-Pfalz und Hessen)
- Tel.: 06131 19240
- https://www.unimedizin-mainz.de/giz/uebersicht.html
München (Bayern)
- Tel.: 089 19240
- https://toxikologie.mri.tum.de/de/giftnotruf-muenchen